Weldon Ryan

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A Painting Session with my A&D H.S. Painting Teacher Max Ginsburg.

I had three objectives for my visit to New York.  My first objective was to cover the traditional West Indian American Carnival Mas.  My second and probably the most anticipated was to see Max Ginsburg for the first time 15 years.  The third was to catch up with friends and family we hadn't seen in years. I called Max and the first question he asked was "Do you have your paint box."  Of course I said yes.  It was a four hour live model session but as usual  getting traffic was a nightmare.  I was an hour late.  Max asked; knowing I have issues with my knees Max as me if I needed help.  Check out the pix.

Max works so intuitively.  To have an opportunity to be tutored by one of Americas Premiere Great Masters was very special.  As good as I thought I was I learned a few things that if I worked with Max's teachings I would be a far better painter. ( behind us is the painting "Bus Stop" which graces the cover of his retrospective book "Max Ginsburg"
